Thursday, August 27, 2020


I still have not gotten back to my program. It has been most difficult. I just don't seem to be in the right frame of mind, and no ambition (or support) to get back to it.

I have been on the boat, not going to shore, continuously for over a year now. Just as I was planning to do more shore time, the pandemic hit. That curtailed shore time as I can't breath in a mask. Maybe a type of claustrophobia? I remember the plastic Halloween kids masks when I was a kid. I couldn't breath in those, either.

Another road block is the emotional and stressful up and down since Irma. Money's been tight most months, so food purchases are limited to what we can afford. Ever notice the cheap and unhealthy crap is less expensive than the best healthy a store has to offer? 

Staying on the boat has, also, messed with my health - especially my circulatory system. No movement, no exercise, no walking, has certainly had its effect of me.

I'm pretty sure, by the time all is said and done, I'll be starting at square one again.

But I won't give up. I just need to carry on.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

It's been a long time

Since Hurricane Irma, I've lost track of my eat-style program, killed my laptop, and life has become a lot more challenging.
But I've got another laptop, and will start my east-style again soon - I hope.