Tuesday, August 21, 2018


So, day before yesterday I did a weigh-in on the higi at publix. Pulse and bp normal, weight - 206 lbs. Four pounds less than my last weigh-in on the 4th.
I should be happy about that, but I don't feel as if I lost any weight. In fact, I feel as if I've gained.
I don't know if it's just me, or if the higi machine is not accurate, but I'm not seeing it or feeling it.

Sunday, August 5, 2018


Betcha wondered what happened to me, huh? Or not.
Well, I went through a bit of a trying time after Irma and in my marriage. I left the Keys and spent 4 months in California. But I'm back now, and rarin' to go.
Yesterday I weighed in for the first time in months. I know after Irma I weighed in at 217. Yesterday, I weighed in at 210. Not too much damage, mostly due to, I think, regularly eating my yogurt with chia, and walking. Now, I need some intense focus to get back on track.
I think there's always drawbacks, stumbles, highs and lows when trying to make some kind of a lifestyle change. These are challenges to embrace. As long as the desire to accomplish is still there, the focus can be recovered.