Thursday, August 27, 2020


I still have not gotten back to my program. It has been most difficult. I just don't seem to be in the right frame of mind, and no ambition (or support) to get back to it.

I have been on the boat, not going to shore, continuously for over a year now. Just as I was planning to do more shore time, the pandemic hit. That curtailed shore time as I can't breath in a mask. Maybe a type of claustrophobia? I remember the plastic Halloween kids masks when I was a kid. I couldn't breath in those, either.

Another road block is the emotional and stressful up and down since Irma. Money's been tight most months, so food purchases are limited to what we can afford. Ever notice the cheap and unhealthy crap is less expensive than the best healthy a store has to offer? 

Staying on the boat has, also, messed with my health - especially my circulatory system. No movement, no exercise, no walking, has certainly had its effect of me.

I'm pretty sure, by the time all is said and done, I'll be starting at square one again.

But I won't give up. I just need to carry on.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

It's been a long time

Since Hurricane Irma, I've lost track of my eat-style program, killed my laptop, and life has become a lot more challenging.
But I've got another laptop, and will start my east-style again soon - I hope.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


So, day before yesterday I did a weigh-in on the higi at publix. Pulse and bp normal, weight - 206 lbs. Four pounds less than my last weigh-in on the 4th.
I should be happy about that, but I don't feel as if I lost any weight. In fact, I feel as if I've gained.
I don't know if it's just me, or if the higi machine is not accurate, but I'm not seeing it or feeling it.

Sunday, August 5, 2018


Betcha wondered what happened to me, huh? Or not.
Well, I went through a bit of a trying time after Irma and in my marriage. I left the Keys and spent 4 months in California. But I'm back now, and rarin' to go.
Yesterday I weighed in for the first time in months. I know after Irma I weighed in at 217. Yesterday, I weighed in at 210. Not too much damage, mostly due to, I think, regularly eating my yogurt with chia, and walking. Now, I need some intense focus to get back on track.
I think there's always drawbacks, stumbles, highs and lows when trying to make some kind of a lifestyle change. These are challenges to embrace. As long as the desire to accomplish is still there, the focus can be recovered.

Monday, March 12, 2018


Yesterday, was Seafood Fest here in the Keys, so Cap and I stopped in for an hour to pick up some of our favorite dip mixes, and have some seafood and a beer. Afterwards, we headed off to the grocery store.
To my surprise, they finally have a higi kiosk that worked (I think they replaced it). After three months of poking into the store to weigh-in and finding the dang machine out of order, I finally contacted higi and "let 'em have it". Especially since the repair guy had been out a few times (according to the Pharma clerk) and couldn't manage to repair it. 
And that brings up a pet peeve. Please, please, people. Treat those kiosks with kid gloves. I've seen people sit at them and treat those machines like they're infallible. They aren't. And don't let your kids play on them. 
So, to my disappointment. I discovered I had gained 17 pounds since Hurricane Irma. Crap. I know we didn't have good finances, and had to buy what we could afford at the store, but 17? Ugh!
But, things have changed now - our finances are better, and I'm getting over my depression from the drastic changes of Irma. Time to attack.
I'll be cutting out that red meat again, staying away from the processed crud, soda pop, sweets, etc.
Water, 100% juice, my low-fat Choco Milk (portion-controlled, of course) will be my drinks. Fruits and seafood bites will be my snacks. Summer porridge in the morning (or juice), low-cal tuna sandwich (on my Sandwich Thins) and fruit for lunch, and my meal prepped, portion-controlled dinner from R.S. recipes for dinner. 
I will use my DAL cards for 1800 calories/day, and I just bought a thighmaster knock-off to help with exercise.
I'm on it again.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

More Delays

Living on a boat, and losing weight can be a challenge at times.
Believe it or not, I'm still not quite back on my Eat-Style program. Just about the time I was ready to begin at 100%, our bank card was compromised. Because we have a complicated way of getting our mail, it has  been almost two weeks now. 
So, we've been feeding ourselves with as little cash going out as possible. Hopefully, this will end soon, and I'll be back on track again.
I did attempt a weigh-in at the HIGI at the grocery store a few weeks back, but the machine was messed up. It told me I weighed 121 lbs. Yeah....I wish!
I'll be going again for a second attempt once the card comes in.
I am back to my Summer Porridges for breakfast in the morning. That's a plus, as I put my Chia seeds in them. Love my Chia. I think it's one of my weight loss success tools. It helps with the loss, and helps with my health maintenance. 
Anyhow, as with the rest of the Country, it is cold here. So, I've been making a lot of cheap, hot comfort food. 

Thursday, November 9, 2017

I Bet You Were Wondering

So, I bet you were wondering what happened to me.
Well, I'll tell you. An old blow hard, Sea Witch named Irma. Needless to say, my eat-style program, temporarily, went by the wayside.
I'm just now, sort of, getting back to it. Not quite there yet, and I haven't done a weigh-in since before the ole Sea Witch blew through, but I will get one done soon.